Wednesday January 29, 2025 5:35pm - 6:10pm PST
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 897 2515 1446 Password: wmk0sW

As teachers, we want our English learner students to use all of the resources at their disposal to access content, while also developing their English language skills. Translanguaging offers an alternative to both student disengagement and over-reliance on translation. Come and hear what all the buzz is about!
avatar for Georgia Brittain

Georgia Brittain

TOSA, Irvine Unified School District
Georgia Brittain has been an educator for 19 years, as both a Spanish and ELD classroom teacher and TOSA. With experience in public, private, charter, and international schools at a variety of grade levels, Georgia offers diverse perspectives on language learning.
Wednesday January 29, 2025 5:35pm - 6:10pm PST
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