Wednesday January 29, 2025 4:15pm - 4:50pm PST
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 346 835 0759; No password

In today’s classrooms, English Learners bring diverse perspectives and unique strengths that can enrich learning for everyone. This session equips educators with practical strategies to ensure their ELs thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Participants will explore key GLAD strategies that are easy to implement, see examples of sentence deconstruction and questioning routines in action, and learn techniques for fostering strong relationships with EL students and their families. Additionally, discover classroom management approaches that create inclusive, supportive environments where all students feel valued and capable of success. Walk away with tools you can use tomorrow to empower your English Learners and elevate your teaching!
avatar for Brooke Waldrup

Brooke Waldrup

Teacher, Irvine Unified School District
My experience as an educator has given me a strong foundation in supporting English Learners and developing engaging, standards-aligned lessons for upper elementary students. Currently, I teach a 4/5 comb class at Canyon View Elementary, where I also support our English Learner community... Read More →
Wednesday January 29, 2025 4:15pm - 4:50pm PST
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